The next Mentor Spotlight we are highlighting is from our Revenue Pillar! This Spotlight highlights, Director of Business Applications Sales, Erin McCormick and her mentee, Salesforce Sales Manager, Brian Foley!
How has mentoring Brian helped you grow in your career?
Mentoring Brian has helped me grow my career in various ways. He and I have worked together in a mentor/mentee capacity for four years but have been working together since 2016. Brian challenges me to think outside the box more by poking holes and giving a fresh perspective to an idea or strategy I hadn’t ever thought of. While I always give him a hard time for being a “glass half empty” kind of guy, I think that has helped me, too, in realizing the actual workflow of management and the importance of seeing both sides of everything. Brian is willing to sacrifice for the group, brand, or company – whether it be through coming in early and staying late, switching from one side of the desk to another, or leaving behind a book of business to do a startup – he is a team player, and I think that has not only helped me grow in my career, but a lot of others careers as well – seeing him willing to do whatever it takes to help the company his team, and himself grow.
How have you seen Brian grow under your mentorship?
Brian has worn five different hats at ALKU – Recruiting Intern, SAP Recruiter, SAP Account Manager, Salesforce Account Manager, and now Salesforce Sales Manager. He went from being an intern coming in a few days a week who thought he knew everything about staffing and didn’t need any help to now a Sales Manager who understands both sides of the desk, what it takes to be successful and how to grow and develop Account Managers. He is also always willing to step up, run a meeting, sit down with someone else and get outside his comfort zone to better the group, brand, and company.
Describe a memorable moment since you’ve been a mentor to Brian.
My favorite moment working with Brian was when Salesforce hit a huge milestone. Jenn and Brian grinded out the last year and alongside them was their team who would do anything for the two of them. When Salesforce hit this massive milestone, they all worked towards it was electric. Besides that, it’s been awesome to see Foley develop new AMs to be successful. A huge moment, too, was seeing Connor Mulligan hit a huge milestone in his first full year at ALKU in a start-up with no internship experience!
What is your favorite thing about your mentoring relationship with Brian?
Seeing how much he cares about his team, ERP, and ALKU as a whole! Also, he told me about Red Heat Tavern having gluten-free buffalo chicken tenders!
How long have you been Brian’s mentor?
Four years!