• ALKrew

Jenn Riedl Promoted to Director, Human Resources

August 13, 2024


Since Jenn’s first day as ALKU’s first ever HR Intern, she has proven to be extremely hardworking and intelligent in her craft. As a Finance major, Jenn took a career-shifting chance in the HR world, which immediately paid off thanks to her passion and critical thinking. She is the perfect individual to lead a specialized and intricate role—she is a people person knows how to deal with tough situations when needed. As a leader, Jenn has proven time and time again to be accountable and reliable. Through her attention to detail and determination, Jenn has grown ALKU’s HR team to include multiple functions – employee relations, administration, legal, executive support, DE&I, and compliance expertise areas. From being named a CEO’s Choice and ALKU’s 2023 Accountability Award recipient, to becoming Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) certified within her first year with the company, Jenn constantly reaches for new heights and doesn’t settle until her goal has been reached. She deserves to be in the room of ALKU Directors; her hard work and HR smarts have gotten her there, and the company as a whole is sure to benefit from it.

Outside of her direct role, Jenn is an ALKU culture champion. She never hesitates to jump in where she can play her part in company-wide fundraising, having competed in both the Rodman Ride for Kids and the Falmouth Road Race. In her new role, Jenn will fill a vital seat by becoming an essential member of ALKU’s Director team with her Human Resource experience. It is imperative to the company’s success that we have someone as accomplished as Jenn in the Director of Human Resources role; the HR world touches all groups of employees, internal and external, and Jenn will now have even more oversight of company goals and initiatives.

Congratulations, Jenn! We are so excited to see all you accomplish in this new role!

“I am overjoyed to congratulate Jenn on her promotion to Director, Human Resources! When you think of HR at ALKU, you think Jenn – she has built a career and a team that speak for themselves. Through Jenn’s many leadership successes, it has always been clear that her path to this role just made sense. Starting as an HR Intern at UMass, Jenn was always hardworking and willing to do whatever was needed of her. She took a chance on HR and from the beginning, it felt like that world was created for her. It’s no easy feat —Jenn’s day to day is filled with many difficult situations, all of which she handles with ease; and it’s days like those that have gotten her to this promotion today. ALKU has been better off ever since we hired Jenn, and in her role as Director she will get to keep proving that. Congratulations, Jenn!” – Vice President, People Operations, Lauren Pacella

“Human Resources is one of those jobs that is really important but doesn’t get a lot of fanfare. When a company is successful, people don’t typically point to HR. However, a company cannot be successful without a great HR department. They help to ensure we have an employee population that has everything it needs. They help to handle issues that arise both with our internal and external population. Jenn Riedl started with us as an Intern in the Amherst office. Since then, she has grown as much as, if not more than, any employee I have seen. She has had to handle some very difficult situations and has always done so professionally. She has built a strong team that helps to support us and is a partner. I was very excited to hear that she was being promoted to Director of HR. Not only does she deserve it, but we as a company need it. Congratulations, Jenn!” – COO, Jon Kujala

“Jenn! Congratulations on your promotion to Director!! Jenn has enormous responsibility as our HR leader and handles it all with a level-head. Her world ranges from HR, to executive support, to compliance and legal. She does it all! Jenn has paved the way for HR at ALKU and has big goals when it comes to shaping our future. Jenn consistently demonstrates empathy, integrity, and connection with all ALKU employees and our external population. The strategy and vision that Jenn brings to the table has helped create the foundation of our company. Jenn’s guidance and role is pivotal when it comes to providing our employees with some measure of stability when the world throws curve balls at us. I thoroughly enjoy working with Jenn because I respect her quick, effective and confident guidance when it comes to making decisions. She has a strong sense of vision and I am excited to see how she grows the HR department. Jenn is constantly learning and taking advantage of opportunities to make herself as well as her team better. I remember the days at ALKU before we had Jenn (or HR really), and it was the wild, wild west. As much as I miss those days, ALKU is a better place and set up for a better future with Jenn leading the charge. Congrats to you, Jenn!” – Senior Sales Director, Pharmaceutical & Government, Tarah Lovato